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Qpou.com ( http://www.qpou.com/en/ ) is a social network services that let you build and expand your social network, discover potential job opportunities and reach talents that best fit positions in your company.


  • Are you hiring? There is a talent database, find someone seems great, reach him directly!
  • Have got a candidate seems qualified, would like to do some reference checking? Definitely, someone in your network knows him! Searching within your network and find out whom this “Someone” is!


  • After a long…long period of interview, the HR manager just told you they cannot even match your current salary… Check it out before the whole process even begins!
  • Think you are qualified for Rocks! Company, but your resume flushed into the recruiter’s junk mail folder… Why not to find someone you can reach directly in Rocks! Company, and ask him to forward your resume directly to the recruiter?
  • Finding a job is sucks! Would like job opportunities to hit you instead? Full of opportunities are rushing here!

Humans, companies, positions, jobs, …, are all connected together, easily searching, discovering and reaching. That’s Qpou.com!

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