
Roxbeam (Baotou)

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Roxbeam, 光芒国际, 北京光芒国际传媒网络技术有限公司

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The ray of light(Peking) international technique limited company of the media network (ROXBEAM MEDIA NETWORK CORPORATION) formally establish in June, 2005, is 1 with the network flow development and application of the medium technique is core of high-tech company.The company headquarters is located on ZhongGuanCun area Splendid Times in Peking, all set up a large research & development center in Peking and Shenzhen currently, more than 200 people of employee.

The ray of light(Peking) international technique limited company of the media network rely on in the world lead of flow medium live technique, the aim is pass interactive on-line numerical medium a service, provide to gather a video to appreciate for the large Internet customer, the information browse, resources share, exchanges interaction is integral whole of Internet amusement terrace, with all strength push the healthy development of Chinese numerical medium industry.

Currently, ray of light nations own Rox customer to carry, Rox website and public community, and look for and the whole whole country television station, broadcasting station, program creation center of the contents provide a company to cooperate and pass according to flow medium to broadcast technical customer to carry software ROX, provide for the global customer abundant, solid hour, high-quality video program, bring an all new audio-visual to enjoy;In the meantime, we return will with increase in value a business service a company to cooperate, is instant message, mail, network to communication etc. business to integrate in the customer carry the ROX, provide for the customer thus all-directions, multi-function, many angle of super musement experience.

The ray of light(Peking) international technique limited company of the media network owns a strong technique development real strenght, be absorbed in the medium technique of the flow of independent intelligent property right development, can also provide an overall multi-media solution for the business enterprise customer and applied software product, and provide homologous information consultation and technique support service.The top-class telecommunication operators of the United States and Japan and cabled T.V. the operator all adopted the Roxbeam of my company to flow medium to broadcast a technique and become a multi-media network application the new real strenght representative of the realm.

The modern business enterprise of conduct and actions a high-tech content, ray of light international company employee's 95% have university undergraduate course and above educational background, the core member all comes from a Microsoft, AOL-Netscape, square just etc. famous business enterprise, management team from work in the nations well-known business enterprise for several years, the experienced profession elite constitute.Top-grade employee, outstanding management, melt to gather conglobation knot cooperation, unremittingly creative and professional respect-workly and actually do a team, together cast into the glorious foreground of ray of light.


  • 档案存档: 中智
  • 北京户口: 应界生有户口名额
  • 保险公积金: 按国家标准以实发工资为基数上缴
  • 补充医疗: 门诊报90%, 住院100%; (整形之类的除外)
  • 小礼品: 过节生日会有小礼品送
  • 工资发放: 每年发13个月工资(年底双薪)
  • 电话费: 按部门有各自的报销基数
  • 餐补: 15元1天

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